We have one other female we call Toula, after the character in the movie My Big Fat Greek Wedding. Toula is a four year old calico. She is the first cat I picked out myself. All the other cats found me and moved in whether I liked it or not. We just lost a calico female, the first animal I owned that did not live out a natural life. I went to the Cat Association in Topeka, which is a no kill shelter. They deemed me ‘un-cat worthy.’ Yes, that is what the woman actually called me. It never occurred to me that I would not be allowed to adopt an animal. I had no idea what to say. One of our chain pet stores has cats from Riley County Humane Shelter that are up for adoption. Toula was there. Riley County has an army base. Toulas’ owners were shipped to Iraq. Our home was quite a change for her. For a year, she would not spend much time around our cats. She was very aloof and not at all affectionate. She had asthma. When I brought her outside of the kennel building into the outdoor pen we have for the cats, she was scared and tried to climb back into my arms. We wonder if she ever went outside the first two years of her life (or even saw other cats) when she lived in Riley County.

Now we call her the snow leopard because she won’t go inside until she has to. She loves it outside. She plays in the snow and will sit out in the rain. Once she found Padme, she became a different cat. She started playing with all of our cats and snuggles with Dobbie for both warmth and comfort. She started blasting around the outdoor pen and pouncing on the other cats. We have her in the house a lot because she is a total goofball and we love to watch her play. Her favorite game is to chase the red laser dot. We think her asthma was stress related, as we have not seen her have an asthma attack since Padme came along.