Two years ago, I received a pair of Christmas socks from a friend that had pom poms on the back. When I washed the socks the poms fell off. I threw three of them away, but I missed seeing the fourth one. Sneaky Pete found it and started playing with it. Which was strange, because he does not play at all, never mind with a toy. The first night, he played with that pom for three hours. We keep Mini Binky in a china cup when not in use. For a year, we spent hours digging Mini Binky out from under the sofa, the TV stand, the china cabinet and the side board. We could not find it for over a month last summer and finally lost it forever in early November. We tried buying a similar cat toy at the pet store but Petey would not touch it. We tried buying anything in the craft store that looks like his Mini Binky, but that was not good enough either. When we really could not find Mini Binky, we decided we would go to JC Penny where the socks were purchased from when the holiday stuff came out, in the hope they would carry the same socks this year. Just in time, I received a JC Penny gift certificate! And yes, there were binky socks – a whole big display of them! I bought four pair, so Petey has 16 binkys to get him through the year. Of course, two days after we were bucks up in binkys, the original Mini Binky presented itself. It is cute to see this intense cat play. Sometimes, we are awakened by a soft carpet scuffing noise in the middle of the night. We will find Sneaky Pete in the office, quietly batting his Mini Bink around.