A couple of summers ago, we trapped a kitten to take to the animal shelter. We saw the kitten running and crying along the back of the buildings across the alley from our house. He was starving, so it took less than a minute for him to go into the Have A Heart trap. The shelter was full, so we set the kitten up in the spare bedroom. He spent a lot of time hiding and was very quiet. After about a day, we figured out he was injured. The pads of his front paws were burned. We cleaned them up and bandaged his front feet. After that he started to come around. He started eating anyway. It took a week before he would come out from hiding when we would go in the room. We brought our largest cat, Uncle Onslow, in the house to be with him. Onslow let the kitten climb all over him and curled up with him. They were often seen asleep in a cuddler bed together.

After ten days, we let the kitten come into the main part of the house for visits. The second day there was a lot of scary loud noises (scary if you are a kitten) and I lost him for about six hours. I finally found him under a recliner chair. The fourth day he was allowed in the main part of the house he started playing and running around. Tom named him Rube, but once this kitten was healed, and not as scared, we realized he needed to be called Jimmy Neutron, from the cartoon. Jimmy is always saying "Gotta Blast” in the cartoon. This kitten ‘blasted’ everywhere! Even Sneaky Pete was curious about him and Petey hates all other cats. We put an ad in the paper for the kitten and got three calls.

We took him to the first person who called. To date, this kitten was terrified of every human, except Tom and I. We drove him to Topeka and put the kitten in the arms of the most wonderful man. The kitten lay relaxed in his arms. The man was very gentle with him and they seemed to hit it off. I cried half the way home. Tom and I agreed that if we had him one more day we were going to have to keep him. The kitten is doing well in his new home.