Scooter lives next door but spends most of his day in our yard. Most of the time, we don't remember what the names of the cats are next door. So, they end up with two names. Our Uncle Onslow is PJ when he is east of the shrub row. At Gayle's, the orange tabby with a stripe on his nose is Alex. In our yard his name is Slash. For ten years we called Scooter 'The Tenant.' Our dog, Annie, had a dog run with an insulated dog house. Annie spent nights in the house with us. Scooter would squeeze through the fencing into the kennel and sleep in the dogs house. In the morning before we left for work we would put Annie in the kennel run.

As she trotted into the kennel, Scooter would leave her dog house and go back to her yard. Annie would go into her dog house and curl up on the warm bed the cat just left. So we called Scooter the Tenant and said that the dog hired him to keep her bed warm. Scooter gave us a scare last week by going missing for several days. He is not a wanderer. He is either at my house or his home next door. We think he was scared by some dogs that ran through the neighborhood last week and got locked in a garage while people were on vacation. He is back now and sleeping in my garden.