Her eyes have finally fully opened up and are free of infection. She still has the human equivelant of a sinus infection. She is still fighting a viral infection of which I hope we are willing the battle on. Nutmeg still has wild ups and downs. When she is up, she races around the house and is into everything. When she crashes we are sure she won't come out of it. So far this free kitty has cost over $300 in veterinary visits.
She figured out that the computer exhuast fan is on the back and lays in the heat.
The whole week has been cool and low in humidity. Perfect kitty days in the cattery. Emmette is snoozing near the catnip.
Uncle Onslow only looks like he is doing morning yoga. He must think his toes need a good cleaning.
Sneaky Pete is spending more time in the cattery to get away from the kitten.