Nutmeg is a close kitty. She loves to sleep along your shoulder or sit on your chest with her head under your chin. Hopefully, she will be a small cat because that could get annoying if she grows to be as big as Dobbie or Spenser.

Uncle Onslow is a year into being diagnosed with stomach cancer. We made this summer as fun as possible for him. He was allowed out of the cattery most days, where he chose to nest in the garden sleeping in the sun. He has several lumps on his stomach that you can feel now and he doesn't like to be carried anymore. True to his name, he has played with the kitten, Nutmeg.

Padme is still winning cuteness awards. She is quite a poser. She has resigned herself to the kitten outside in the cattery, but won't tolerate Nutmeg in the house. She was the last cat to come around and play with Meggie.

Nutmeg was returned to us within 48 hours. The home she went to had a one year old cat that tried to do her in. When she came back home, Nutmeg had already lost weight and was obviously stressed. It must have been bad, because at our house she ran our cats ragged. We were surprised that there was a cat who could intimidate her. Not too long after she came home the male cats started playing with her instead of hissing at her. It took another two weeks to cave and start playing. I don't think Meggie will be a large cat, nor will she be the brightest bulb in the box. But she is cute and lots of fun.

Sneaky Pete is enjoying a few hours in the house alone with no kitten. Oddly, Pete has been the nicest to the kitten of all our cats. Odd to us, since he hates all other cats. This weekend, Pete feels like the fourth day of a three day pass. He had dental surgery a couple of days ago and is sleeping off the sedation.