The cats are on lockdown because of all the noise from fireworks. Onslow thinks he needs to go outside but if it gets noisy he will run and hide. We had to rebuild their water feature this year. Tom made a spout out of bamboo and rope. We realized they were not drinking and discovered that the new spout splashed too much. We added some water plants to solve the problem.

The catnip, catmint, lilys and pennyroyal are all in bloom so the cattery is a mix of orange, white and purple flowers. I love the cat mint because it blooms all summer. The pennyroyal keeps away insects. You cannot put oil of pennyroyal on cats, it is too strong. But they can be around the plants. Another option is to use oregano.Vinca vine also does well in the cattery. We have a few shrubs too. Peonies are great. They provide a cover for the cats to hide in but the plant does not get too tall.

Sneaky Pete saw a fledgling bird land on the ground near the garden. He went over and sniffed it, but know what else to do with it, so he just followed it around and watched it. Emmette started chewing on his paws again when the heat got so bad last week. So that means it is time to take him in to the veterinarian for a steroid shot.

There is a feral all white long haired tom cat that passes through the yard on the way to neighbor Gayles. Her house is kitty soup kitchen for the neighborhood so cats show up for breakfast and supper. This big guy likes our cats. After supper he comes over and walks the fence line, talking. When he gets to the north side where the shade is, he will lay down against the fence and look in at our cats. Padme usually walks over and will reach a paw through the fence and touch him.