Spenser was adopted from a veterinarian in Hutchinson, Kansas. Someone found him in the parking lot of the library during an ice storm. They took him to their veterinarian instead of the humane shelter. I called my veterinarian to let them know that I was looking for a kitten for my older cat. Spenser was just coming out of surgery. He was about six months old. I brought him home the next day. For a year he was half wild and ate everything in site. When he realized he had a full time home, he finally relaxed. I think he relaxed a little too much. You could do anything to him and he would just purr louder. He and Tom had a thing where Tom would hold his front right and hind right leg in one hand; the cats' left front and rear paws in the other hand. Then he would turn the cat from left to right making machine gun noises. I would try, but as a girl I am just not genetically able to make the gun noises. Spenser was long and tubular shaped all his life. He loved to nap with the humans and would stretch out along your hip from your armpit to your ankles.

Before we had the cattery, our kids used to wander the 'hood'. One day, Spenser came limping back to the house with a broken foot. We never knew where or how. He did OK with a cast on, but he always had a bit of a wocky-puck to that foot after the cast came off. One summer I stayed at a house in Mt. Hope for four months to take care of some friends' dogs while they went to Alaska. I had a chance to go to Arkansas for a week later in the summer. I boarded one cat and left Spenser at the house in Mt. Hope. He was just coming out of his frantic, anxious stage and not always trustworthy yet. When I drove up to the borrowed home after vacation, I saw the owners five year old granddaughter carrying Spenser around. She had one arm just under both his front shoulders, the rest of the cat was dangling and hanging down.
His feet were about an inch shy of touching the ground. I watched this kid walk, jump, run, skip, play and fall with the cat bouncing around in her arm. I walked over to her mom and said I was not sure the cat was tame enough and he might scratch her. She laughed and told me that her daughter had been carrying the cat around like that all week. She said if her daughter put the cat down he would follow her all over the property and that they had napped together in the house. I really think that kid was what turned him around. After a week with a five year old, nothing seemed to bother him.